Friday, January 13, 2017

Impromptu Sensory Bin

I love sensory bins, all the kids react fantastic to them. But I've had trouble making them practical in my house and so I've taken the concept and made it less structured to fit into our busy, rowdy home.

I've done this many different ways, thousands of times over the years with all 3 of my kids.

Today Ella is a little bit sick and grouchy with a runny nose and needing a lot of attention. While I was cooking and trying to get some stuff done in the kitchen I grabbed a tupperware and tossed in a bag of beads that happened to be sitting on the counter.

I'm comfortable letting her play with such small things as long as she's closely supervised, which she was since she was only happy right next to my side.

I found this is a great way to keep kids entertained, even my seven-year-old,  in a pinch that's also healthy for their growing minds. Although, let me say that for my seven year old he would need something more interesting like sand, a full bag of lentils, a bag of colored shaving Cream in a sandwich bag, Ect.


  1. Great idea. I'm always so grouchy when I cook and the kids are so clingy. I find myself just pushing them out of the kitchen with the directive--"just find something else to do...go play!!!"

  2. I always struggle at dinner time too. It's so hard to be patient with so much to do; Ella is usually clingy and underfoot and the boys always choose this time thats it's difficult to supervise them to be naughty. I think this is definitely the most challenging part of my day (like shaving cream all over the bathroom challenging or spraying oil all over the bedroom floor challenging, true stories). That's why these little mini activities save me, I have so many up my sleeve, and even better are things they can do at the table independently where I can see them.

  3. Keep 'em coming!!! I am sort of saving myself with these ideas.
